Why Alexa rank is so important?
The Alexa Rank is one of the most important criteria for the success of a website from its owner and even many of its visitors view. Alexa is one of the subsidiaries of Amazon, which began its work in 1996 and began collecting Internet data and ranking websites. This website provides various information, such as the top websites in the world, the top websites of each country and the top websites in various categories, such as news or stores. Also in the siteinfo section, information about each website, such as global ranking, country rank, keyword overload, search engine rank and number of backlinks are available. The company collects information from the toolbar that is installed on users' browsers. Therefore, since all the users do not have this toolbar on their browsers, Alexa's information is not very accurate.
Alexa's History
Alexa was founded in 1996 by two entrepreneurs named Bruce Gilat and Brewster Cahill. The name Alexa is derived from Alexandria city in Egypt. The founders of the site chose the name of the Egyptian Library of Alexandria as the largest place of knowledge in their time and Alexa founders believed that the Internet world could become such a place. Alexa was transferred to Amazon in 1999 with a $ 250 million contract. Alexa provided a variety of services by 2009, but this year it has been especially focused on site rankings and offered site owners seo service. According to Alexa, the company is only focused on visitor stats in web site rankings.
Why Alexa rank is so important?
Alexa, as said, collects information from a toolbar installed on users' browsers. So, given that very few Internet users have this toolbar on their browsers, Alexa Rank can not be very accurate. However, Alexa uses also other toolbars information to measure the rank of a site. There are many details on the Alexa site, such as rank in each country, rank in the world, the amount of input from search engines, as well as more detailed information, such as the education of users, that Alexa is very popular on the Internet.
Public awareness about Alexa Ranking in some countries is such that in addition to website owners, many website users are also familiar with it. Most Internet websites earn revenue through ads. The lower the Alexa site's rating is, the more likely it is to attract more visitors and thus may require a higher advertising cost. Web users also use Alex's ranking of websites as a tool for validating a site, and therefore, if a website has better rank, it is more credible.
Are there any unethical ways to improve Alexa's rank?
Some websites have been using immoral methods to improve Alex's rank, so they will earn more revenue from advertising and make their site more credible by improving Alex's rank. These websites use a variety of methods, most notably pop-up ads. The pop-up method works as if you entered a website, many tabs start to opening without your click, while you did not really have the intention to visit those sites. Another way is to use Fack views such as autosurf. In this way, some people will shortly visit different sites and get paid for them.
These methods can improve the site's Alexa Ranking in the short term, but they will cause a lot of damage to the site in the long run. Search engines like Google or Bing are now very smarter, and if you have fake visits, they will detect them in some cases. Also, most of these fake visits have low time on the site and their bounce rate is also very high. Bounce rate means that a user leaves the site after visiting just one page of site without visiting another page. So, using these methods can result in site penalties by search engines and drop the site over a long period of time. Another reason for not using the unethical methods to improving the Alexa rank is that after a period of time, your site will be recognized by advertisers and business owners as a false and Cheater site.
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