A complete guide to choosing the proper domain name for your website
One of the first steps to having a site is choosing a domain name and the appropriate extension for it. In this section, we will first give you an overview of the types of common domain extensions (such as .com, .org, .net and etc) and then we'll give you some important points about choosing the appropriate domain name. Of course, you should note that the this instructions are general principles and sometimes you find that some sites have succeeded in choosing domain names that do not follow the principles below. So choosing a domain name is not everything on your site, but it is undoubtedly very important.
Types of Domains
Domains are usually classified according to their various extensions. In the following, we will introduce the most widely used domain extensions.
.com: is currently the most popular domain extension in .com, which abbreviated to commercial. Of course, many sites use this extension with different fields.
.org: This extension is abbreviated to Organizations and is commonly used by organizations, such as the USA Measurement Organization.
.net: This extension refers to the network and is commonly used by information networks and Internet companies.
.Info: This extension is abbreviated to the Information and is generally used by sites active in the field of information.
Every country domain name: Each country in the world has its own dedicated domain extension. Usually, the range of countries is two-letter, such as jp for Japan, de for Germany and uk for Britain.
Basic principles in choosing the right domain name
1- Choosing the appropriate extension: You may be unsure about the appropriate extension for your domain. If you intend to register a domain for an organization or company, your choice will be limited to org, net and info. Of course, as mentioned, many organizations use either com. Also, if you are launching a personal site, shop or magazine, it is better to use com. Sites that are limited to users from one country will be better using using the country extension and because some experts believe that websites with extensions within each country have a higher chance of searching. Of course, others also believe that this is not true. Anyway, it's best to use the country extension for sites that are limited to the one country users' and, of course, register the com domain and connect to your site as a second domain.
2- Short Domain Name: For example, we could use learnonlinefrominternet.blogspot.com for the site, but we used lofint.blogspot.com, which saved many characters in the domain name. Major companies such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Facebook have followed this principle.
3- Easy to remember domain name: If your domain name is appropriate, it will easily remain in the minds of people and will be able to become a brand in the future.
4- Easy to write a domain name: It is better not to use some English letters like x, z, c, and p.
5- Linking the domain name to the site content and type of your business: For example, if you have an electronics store, the use of a domain called car.com will be funny. It's best for your domain name to be related to your business and can guess the content of your site.
6- Unique Domain Name: For example, if a search engine exists like yahoo, the use of the yahuo or similar domain is not appropriate. Also, this may cause some people to think that you have been abusing the name of another brand and thus have a negative view for your site.
7- Do not use a dash or other symptoms: It is advisable not to use dashes or other symptoms in your domain name, as it makes it difficult to memorize. Previously, it was thought that the use of dashes between words has a positive role in the site's SEO, which can be said that this is not true.
8- Using local language words in the domain name: Many of the major sites of some countries choose local name for their domain. If the name chosen is simply read and written, it will be used as a winning sheet.
9- Protecting Your Brand: When you launch a site, you have to compete with hundreds of other sites. But once your site succeeds and becomes a brand, some people try to buy similar names to your domain name to misuse your brand. So, it is best to avoid this problem at a low cost at the beginning, and try to purchase domain names similar to your primary domain.
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